Meine Mütter - Spurensuche in Riga

Genre: Documentary film / Trailer
Year: 2006/2007
Runtime: 01:13 min
Description: Two Mothers - The Search Began in RigaIn this documentary film, German director Rosa von Praunheim, an icon of the German Arthouse as well as of the gay cinema, is searching for traces of his own roots. In the year 2000, the then 60-year old filmmaker was finally told by his 94-year old mother that he had been adopted in Latvia during the German occupation. Praunheim then started to research his past and found out in 2006 that he was born in Riga – in a prison. His biological mother had already been murdered in 1946 in a psychiatric hospital.
Provider: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rights: In Copyright / Basis-Film Verleih GmbH (Berlin)
Director: Rosa von Praunheim
Document type:
Language: de